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Tuesdays & Thursdays 9am - 12noon

Art Abilities is a creative arts workshop open to all adults, including those with physical disabilities, in recovery from mental health issues or addictions, and those on the autism spectrum.


Participants create art independently for therapeutic benefits and professional development.  Art may be exhibited in the ART Z Mart and all proceeds from sales benefit the artist.  Make art and make friends, while capturing and making meaning of life experiences through your unique creative process. 

PRIOR TO COMING please call 215-262-4443 to schedule a visit and register.


  Be an ARTIST


  • Self-expression without judgment

  • Confidence - personal pride in accomplishment, public acknowledgment through on-site, online and community exhibits and sales

  • Professional development - individualized, strengths-based, supportive

  • Sense of belonging - studio connections with artists and mentors

  • Fun - inspiring, whimsical, bright studio space with every imaginable art supply

  • Trust - evidence-based programming driven by positive outcomes



  • Validate art skills and expressive talents

  • Give back by modeling the creative process and encouraging/supporting artists

  • Create community - develop or hone interpersonal skills by building connections with other artists and mentors

  • Recognition from peers. staff and community

  • Have fun - inspiring, whimsical, bright studio space with every imaginable art supply

  • Pride in having a positive effect on mentees

  • Make a difference in our artist's lives and an impact on the community




44 Front Street

Quakertown, PA  18951

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